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Canine Brief Pain Inventory

Pain Inventory

(0 = No Pain , 10 = Extreme Pain)
(0 = No Pain , 10 = Extreme Pain)
(0 = No Pain , 10 = Extreme Pain)
(0 = No Pain , 10 = Extreme Pain)

Description of function:

Pick the position or number that best describes how during the last 7 days pain has interfered with your dog's: (0 = Does not interfere , 10 = Compolete Interfers)
(0 = Does not interfere , 10 = Compolete Interfers)
(0 = Does not interfere , 10 = Compolete Interfers)
(0 = Does not interfere , 10 = Compolete Interfers)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The Canine Brief Pain Inventory (Canine BPI; ) copyright is held
by Dr. Dorothy Cimino Brown