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Rabies Vaccination and Export

By January 5, 2022December 19th, 2024Export Services, Infectious Disease
Nobivac Rabies Vaccines

Travel Vet in Brisbane maintains a large stock of rabies vaccinations that we are authorized to use for animals that are leaving the country. Rabies Vaccines are not widely available as there are expensive to stock.

All animals that receive a rabies vaccination must be microchipped with an ISO-approved microchip. We carry an advanced microchip that also monitors and reports your dog’s body temperature when read with an appropriate reader.

Biotherm Microchip

Give us a call or book online if your pet is traveling and needs a rabies vaccine. In general, you want to make sure that your pet has the vaccine at least 30 days before they are due to travel.

Travel Vets can also perform Rabies Titre testing that can be required for certain countries or if a pet is potentially returning to Australia at a later date.

We provide 2 copies of the internationally recognized rabies vaccination certificate. We just ask you to give us accurate contact information prior to your appointment to avoid errors on these certificates.

We are also qualified to administer Rabies vaccines to pets that have potential ABLV exposure. These pets also need to be microchipped.

Author Ben Charlton

Ben Charlton is one of the partners of Kalinga Park Veterinary Surgery and has been the principal Veterinarian at Kalinga Park since the surgery opened in 2008.

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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Yensi ontibon says:

    Hi, I’m travelling with my cat on July 19th and he needs to get the rabies vaccine, I’d like to get more information about the cost and when we could go to get it

  • Constansa says:

    Hi I would like to know how much it’s the rabies vaccine please
    Chihuahua 2.5k , 11 months old

  • Suyash says:

    do you do RNAT tests? what is the process and costq

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